We work with complex pet behaviours that include (but are not limited to):
- fear
- anxiety
- aggression
- reactivity
- guarding
- frustration intolerance/emotional dysregulation
- destructive behaviour
- repetitive/compulsive behaviour
- excessive licking/chewing, pica, self-mutilation
- any behaviours outside the scope of what is typical for a pet’s developmental stage (e.g., excessive nipping/jumping, house soiling, barking/whining)
Our approach
We advise pet owners and professionals on how to change undesirable and potentially risky behaviours in pets. We provide you with information about what causes these behaviours, maintains them, and recommending strategies to change them. Our approach emphasizes humane techniques that minimize stress as much as possible. These usually involve managing the pet’s environment, training alternative behaviours, desensitization, and/or counter-conditioning.
How behaviour consulting differs from training
Trainers typically focus on teaching pets how to do something, or in many cases, to not do something. On the other hand, behaviour consultants focus on emotionally driven behaviours that require a slightly different set of tools to address. So while trainers are like teachers for pets, behaviour consultants are like psychologists for pets! Behaviours need not be severe to warrant consulting with a behaviour consultant. In fact any behaviour that poses a risk or causes a pet distress should be addressed with a behaviour consultant sooner rather than later.
If you any have concerns about your pet’s behaviour, we can help you identify whether you require the services of a trainer or a behaviour consultant.
About the owner
Jenilee Gobin, PhD

I obtained my PhD in the Environmental & Life Sciences at Trent University, where I studied how ecological and evolutionary processes interact to influence animal traits and population dynamics. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Integrative Wildlife Conservation Lab at Trent, where my research ranges from modelling COVID-19 dynamics at various spatial scales, to investigating genetic adaptations to climate in Canada lynx, to understanding how individuals respond differently to predation risk in snowshoe hares.
I taught numerous classes at Paus-n-Train in Peterborough, Ontario for over 5 years (e.g., puppy classes, dog manners, reactive rover, obstacle skills, introduction to agility, canine good citizen). I obtained CCPDT certification as both a dog trainer and canine behaviour consultant and have professionally consulted on complex pet behaviours since 2013.